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Linoya was honored as an advanced enterprise in R&D investment in the park for the year of 2023.



In 2023, under the correct leadership of the Dongguan Municipal Party Committee and the municipal government, the Songshan Lake CPC Working Committee and Management Committee will unite and lead the park's majority of Party members, cadres and masses, adhere to Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era as a guide, fully implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress and the Second Plenary Session of the 20th Party Congress, and thoroughly implement the decision-making and deployment of the CPC Central Committee and the Provincial Committee and the Municipal Party Committee, to grasp the opportunities and meet the challenges in the attitude of the time, to The courage to strive for the first energy to work hard and forge ahead, and fully promote the comprehensive national science center in the Greater Bay Area, the first start area (Songshan Lake Science City) construction to promote scientific and technological innovation, industrial development, urban quality, reform and opening up, people's well-being, the construction of the party and other areas of renewed vitality, show a new look, leading the high-quality development of Dongguan, the role of the core engine to further highlight.


In order to comprehensively summarize the work achievements, commend the advanced models, and gather the confidence and determination to take advantage of the momentum and leapfrog development, the Party and Work Committee and the Management Committee have decided to commend the high-quality development enterprises in the park, the top 10 units of fixed asset investment, the top 10 enterprises in terms of business income, the top 10 enterprises in the "four top enterprises", the top 10 advanced scientific research institutes, the top 10 units of new talents, advanced financial institutions, advanced enterprises in R&D investment, high-growth industrial enterprises, national specialized, special and new "small giants" enterprises, excellent innovative enterprises, enterprises with outstanding contribution to the construction industry, and investment contribution awards. Advanced Research Institutions, Advanced Financial Institutions, Advanced Enterprises in R&D Investment, High-Growth Industrial Enterprises, National Specialized, Specialized and New "Small Giant" Enterprises, Excellent Innovative Enterprises, Outstanding Contributions to the Construction Industry, and Investment Promotion Contribution Award will be notified and commended. Ltd. was honored as one of the advanced enterprises in R&D investment in the park in 2023.

2024 is the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, is the key year to achieve the goals and tasks of the "14th Five-Year Plan", and is also an important year for Songshan Lake to base on the new journey in the new era, strengthen the new role as a new breakthrough in the new development, and do a good job in this year's work is of great significance. I hope that the commended units cherish the honor, make persistent efforts, give full play to the role of exemplary leadership in the development of Songshan Lake on the new journey to make new achievements, create new achievements; I hope that we take the advanced as an example, adhere to Xi Jinping thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era as a guide to thoroughly implement the spirit of the twentieth party, based on the new stage of development, practice the new development concepts into the new development pattern, and continue to be courageous to take on the role, Endeavouring to do, overcome difficulties, forge ahead to create a core engine to lead the high-quality development of Dongguan as the goal, to accelerate the construction of a comprehensive national science center in the Greater Bay Area, the early start area, with a high attitude, the style of practical work for the realization of the Chinese style of modernization to contribute to the power of Songshan Lake.

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